Winchester 540 load data
Winchester 540 load data
300 Winchester Magnum Load Data.winchester 540 powder : Shotshell,.
Load data for the 45-70 45-70, all bullet weights; Bullet: Powder Weight: Powder: Velocity: OAL: Primer: Source
Load data for the 300 Winchester Magnum 300 Winchester Magnum, all bullet weights; Bullet: Powder Weight: Powder: Velocity 300 Winchester Magnum Load Data.
45-70 Load Data - Handloads.Com.
Winchester 540 load data
270 Winchester Load Data - Handloads.Com
if anyone has any lying around redundant they may be interested in a 12ga 23/4 7/8th oz load i worked up today ,although i havent
Load data for the 270 Winchester 270 Winchester, all bullet weights; Bullet: Powder Weight: Powder: Velocity: OAL: Primer
356 Winchester Load Data
This data is being presented for informational purposes only. Care in reloading is a function of knowledge and skill. I suggest reading several
534 RELOADING MANUAL• 5TH EDITION Test Specifications/ Components Firearm Used:Savage 12VSS Barrel Length:26" Twist: 1 x 10" Case: Federal Trim-to Length:2.005"
A discontinued ball powder. Per my old Winchester loading handbooks, it's for shotguns - no other data shown. One rate chart source suggests it's somewhere in the
348 Winchester Load Data